
Although I’ve worked with the one firm for most of my career, my working life has been incredibly dynamic. Starting as a student doing vac work with Pritchard Francis, I then accepted a job offer as a Graduate Engineer. I left after a few years to work for a large international practice, only to find myself returning 3 years later having been offered an Associate Director role. That was 1994. By 1996, I was a Director and in 1998 I became Chief Executive Officer (formerly referred to as Managing Director). At that time, we employed 6-8 people. Fast forward 20+ years and Pritchard Francis is over 100 people strong, with 4 offices in WA and the NT, and is one of the larger consulting practices in WA and one of the most highly regarded practices in Australia.
In 2024, Pritchard Francis joined Colliers as part of their Engineering and Design service line – a logical next step in our evolution that sees us join a national engineering group, and leading global services company. I will continue to lead the business in Western Australia and Northern Territory in my role as State Director, WA & NT.

I’m very proud to say, most of this success has not been because of me, but rather achieved with me at the helm. Leading a small practice initially and a relatively large practice now, has provided me with a strong understanding of what is important in creating a successful environment, a strong culture, and what is needed to develop good people.

This is now my passion and focus. My realisation of what values and management techniques are essential for success, and what defines success, are things that I can now share with others.

My experiences have led me to gain a strong insight into the benefits of diversity, a topic I’m passionate about. Similarly, our involvement with Aboriginal communities and corporations has provided the opportunity for us to promote reconciliation within the construction industry and broader community.

I see myself now as the curator of a remarkable firm that will continue to take advantage of the exciting and prosperous opportunities that lie ahead.